Thursday, May 5, 2016

IFJM 2016 Wrap up


REAL life really got in the way of my International Fake Journal Month journal this year. Two funerals, two waves of out-of-town guests, a retreat, and an art show really ate into my art time. On my list of priorities my IFJM journal comes after my daily sketching and painting. Therefore, I only completed the first 16 days and got starts on 3 other days.  I do plan to finish the last 14 spreads in May. Even with the lack of finished work I still met most of the goals;

1) play with my Gelli Plate (done);
2) work in gouache (liked it enough to order the Scmincke gouache set from Wet Paint that Roz inspired). Think I will like gouache even better when I use it on watercolor paper;
3) sort through my old hand carved stamps (used and threw out 32 of my stamps so far). You can't keep stuff forever.

In addition I used a book from my $1 library sale books stash and used a large selection of pages from a old vellum sample book I stumbled across. So in some ways I was mimicking my character.

Overall I would call this month a success for me personally.

Now as to who my character was. She still has no name and I wanted to keep her sex, age, and occupation as secret as long as possible. She was a single, childless owner of an import business and traveled around the world on buying trips for her entire career. At the age of 66 she had decided to retire and downsize. I was very surprise she wasn't the only character who had similar plans this year. So she was going through her house and determining the disposition of items by checking a sticker KEEP, DONATE, TRASH, or GIVE TO______. Plus documenting memories.


  1. I loved every spread of your journal Chris! You've inspired me to take out my Gelli plate and play a little.

  2. Thank you for looking and commenting. Gelli prints are fun. For me the challenge is what to do with the prints when done. I may make envelopes and matching note cards sets for presents.


2018 Wrap Up

I didn't plan ahead this year, I just jumped right into my journal. My only goal was to use material I had on hand. I used an old Dylusi...